Special Forces National Guard Recruiting

Special Forces National Guard Recruiting
Birmingham, AL
United States


Joining the National Guard Special Forces Groups: A Path to Excellence

19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) HQ in Utah

20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) HQ in Alabama

The National Guard Special Forces Groups offer an exceptional career path for individuals seeking to serve their country while honing their military skills. This elite division is not just for those aiming to become a Special Forces 'Green Beret', but also for those interested in various supportive roles within the Special Forces Support unit. This opportunity is particularly appealing for individuals transitioning from the regular army, offering a way to maintain and enhance their skills while securing additional retirement benefits.

Becoming a Special Forces 'Green Beret'

The journey to becoming a Green Beret in the National Guard is challenging but rewarding. Candidates must undergo rigorous training and demonstrate exceptional physical fitness, mental toughness, and a strong commitment to teamwork and leadership. The training includes airborne school, a Special Forces Qualification Course, and specialized instruction in weapons, communications, medical skills, and foreign languages. Green Berets are renowned for their versatility and ability to operate in diverse environments, making them a valuable asset to the National Guard.

Opportunities in Special Forces Support

For those not pursuing the path of a Green Beret, the Special Forces Support unit offers numerous opportunities. These roles are crucial for the success of missions and include logistics, intelligence, medical support, communications, and more. Each position requires specific skills and offers unique challenges and rewards. Joining the Special Forces Support unit is an excellent way for individuals to contribute significantly to the team's success while developing specialized skills.

Benefits of Joining

Joining the National Guard Special Forces is not only about serving the nation but also about personal and professional growth. Members receive advanced training, which is valuable both within the military and in civilian careers. Additionally, joining the National Guard after service in the regular army allows individuals to continue accruing retirement benefits. This continuation is an essential consideration for those nearing retirement or looking to maximize their benefits.

Requirements and Commitment

Candidates must meet certain requirements to join the National Guard Special Forces, including age, physical fitness standards, and educational qualifications. A commitment to ongoing training and readiness is essential, as National Guard Special Forces members can be called to duty at any time. This commitment requires balancing civilian life with military responsibilities, a challenge that many find rewarding.

Joining the National Guard Special Forces Groups, whether as a Green Beret or in a support role, is a noble and challenging endeavor. It offers unique opportunities for personal and professional development, the chance to serve the country in a critical capacity, and the benefit of enhanced retirement options for those transitioning from the regular army. For those who possess the dedication, resilience, and desire to excel, the National Guard Special Forces Groups await.


What other jobs are there with the unit?

Engineering (12 Series):

  • Engineer Officer

  • Construction Engineer Chief

  • Plumber/Pipefitter

  • Power Plant Operator

  • Interior Electrician

  • Carpentry/Mason

  • Geospatial Engineer

  • Combat Engineer


Aviation (15 Series):

  • Aviation Officer

  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Chief

  • Unmanned Systems Operator (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operator)

  • Unmanned Systems Maintainer/Mechanic


Signal (25 Series):

  • Communications Office

  • Information Systems Chief

  • Information Systems Technician

  • Radio Operator and Maintainer

  • Communications Security

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager

  • Network Operations Officer

  • Multimedia Illustrator

  • Microwave Systems Operator

  • Satellite Communications Operator

  • Signal Systems Support Specialist

  • Combat Documentation (Combat Camera-man)

  • Telecommunications Operations


Judge Advocate (27 Series):

  • Judge Advocate (JAG) and Paralegal


Military Intelligence (35 Series):

  • Counter Intel Chief

  • All-Source Intelligence Officer

  • Intel Analyst

  • Imagery Analyst

  • Counter Intelligence Specialist

  • Human Intelligence Collector

  • Signal Intel Analyst

  • Cryptologic Linguist

  • Intelligence Systems Repair Specialist


Adjutant General (42 Series):

  • Human Resources Specialist (clerk)


Medical (68 Series):

  • Flight Surgeon

  • Diving Medical Officer (DMO)

  • Physician Assistant (PA)

  • Physical Therapist

  • Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)

  • Dentist

  • Psychologist

  • Behavioral Health NCO

  • Veterinarian

  • Animal Care (Vet Tech)

  • Special Operations Combat Medic

  • Patient Admin

  • Environmental Services (Pest Control and Water Testing)

  • Medical Operations

  • Medical Logistics

  • Biomedical Repair

  • Preventative Medicine


Chemical (74 Series):

  • Chemical

  • Biological

  • Radiological

  • Nuclear Warfare

  • Chemical Recon Detachment


Transportation (88 Series):

  • Transportation Officer

  • Marine Engineman (Boat Operator and Maintainer)

  • Vehicle Operator

  • Ground Transportation Manager


Ammunition (89 Series):

  • Ammunition Stock Control

  • Ammunition Supply


Mechanical Maintenance

(91 Series):

  • Automotive Maintenance Chief

  • Vehicle Mechanic

  • Utilities Equipment Repairer

  • Generator Repairer

  • Welder/Allied Trades Specialist

  • Small Arms Repairer

  • Quartermaster Chemical Specialist

  • Construction Equipment Repairer


Quartermaster (92 Series):

  • Supply Chief

  • Automated Supply Technician

  • Petroleum Control Specialist

  • Culinary Specialist

  • Petroleum Laboratory Specialist

  • Water Treatment Specialist

  • Supply Specialist

  • Parachute Packer (Rigger)



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